Monday, April 20, 2009

Metadata Capture in DoDAF

My last post showed my initial implementation of the DODAF in the PowerDesigner framework. This post will look at how i collected in the information within the process to create the OV3 matrix report.

There were three steps to collect the content. The first was generating the OV2 model as the starting the point. Once this model is created with some of the operational nodes defined, there is an opportunity to add a meta model extension to collect additional information that can be leveraged to automatically generate the OV3 report. Here is the metadata extension that I started for OV2.

This extension process was covered in a previous post here, so to do this, look in the archive. As for the report, PowerDesigner creates list reports through the use of a wizard, so if all the information you need has been collected, spitting it out is a basic task. here is the final report that i generated in HTML format, for review online by our COTR.

Hope this helps, until next time.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

DoD AF in PowerDesigner

Hi All,

wanted to share some of the views of my implementation of DoD AF in Powerdesigner 15. I will follow this up with a discussion about how I did some of this and where the repetitive work is... versus the choice areas.

So, here is the framework matrix
Each of these cells has actions associated to them that help me force a methodology into the tool. For my example, i used the standard Staged Approach, so the flow looks like this:

As you can see, the path to complete the architecture is well defined in this approach, so there are actions in the framework that are ONLY ALLOWED to integrate with previous cell information. The best example of this is the generation of Matrices, like SV3 from SV2.

This image is showing the definition of an Action in the SV9 cell, that will generate an Object Oriented Model (UML to the rest of the world, not sure why PD does that) from an existing OOM.
These actions help me to scope what I allow architects to accomplish in each cell... GOVERNANCE :) i love it.

anyhow, let me know what you think, the next post will be about some of the martices and metadata i injected into this process to gather all of the information that i needed to complete this system description.